Understanding Anxiety June 2022 | Page 16

Close your eyes. Slow your breathing. Breathe by expanding your abdomen. Relax your body as much as you can. Gently rub or massage your legs and arms.

If you feel you need to move, go for a walk. Leisure walking can shut off the stress response. Use the five senses to identify things that will connect you to the present moment.

Remind yourself that anxiety attacks aren’t causing harm to your body. You are not dying. You will be fine. This is a temporary, though strong, reaction to worry and fear.

Remind yourself that anxiety attacks ALWAYS end. The more you can calm yourself down, the faster they end.

One way you can calm yourself down is by listening to music. TheHopeLine has a Spotify play list of calming music that might work for you.

Check it out.

When you feel an attack coming on, here are some tips for managing your anxiety: