Understanding and Planning for a New Generation of Player - Corey Padveen | Page 2


Where We Are
The casino industry , especially the Las Vegas Strip , though more broadly the entire land-based retail gambling world is on the precipice of another dramatic change . Casino floors are evolving rapidly , square footage is becoming less densely occupied , and key player demographics are shifting - dramatically . What this means for the average casino operator is that a significant transition is on the rise , and this one likely means a new set of permanent , crucial pivots that have a lasting impact on both the floor , the operator , and the player experience as a whole .
There are a few key areas that need to be understood and analyzed in order to develop a more robust image of what the future holds for casinos and players .
First , we need to have a look at the current state of the casino industry . While the market is notorious for its steadily evolving landscape , the challenges facing the gambling industry are unprecedented , and they are as impactful as they have been swift . Second , with the changes to the casino and gambling markets come modifications to the player psychographics that also need to be taken into account . The traditional model of “ know your player ” must now take into consideration the impact of a new landscape and a new generation of potential players , one that views the casino floor and gambling in general much differently . Third , with the changing psychographics of players , operators need to create stronger definitions of some of their current players compared to the desired new and future player .
Coupled with this , we need to look at the behaviors of these players when it comes to the casino floor ’ s most valuable assets : slots . While slot machines have traditionally been the major revenue generators and ideal revenue-per-square-foot units , the new breed of player behaves differently , and survival and growth depend on understanding that behavior intimately . Lastly , once all of these points have been fleshed out , we need to look at the opportunities that exist in new games , specifically , those games which can help usher in a new generation of player .