Understanding A Relationship with God Understanding A Relationship with God | Page 22

Here’s an analogy from author, Lee Strobel:

Imagine two student clubs everybody would love to join. To get into the one club, you've got to do a bunch of good things. You've got to be an honor student, a nice guy and a great athlete. If you can't meet the club's high standards, you don't get in.

Then there's the other club. No matter who you are—great grades or bad grades, incredible athlete or horrible athlete—this club is wide open to you. And your dues have been paid in full by the club leader! That club is an example of Christianity.

Does the second "club" sound narrow to you? Actually, I think other religions are a lot more exclusive, because you must live up to all kinds of rules, and even then, you still can't know if you've done enough. But Christianity says, "Jesus has met the requirements. The dues have been paid. Come on in!"

The Good News

God loves everyone and Christianity is open to everyone.

So Jesus is the only way to eternal life with God: “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6