Underground Runway ©
To get involved with Underground Runway provide information and portfolio along with interest. A portfolio, however small, indicates that you are serious about your goals and have taken the first steps to get there. The rest comes through experience, such as the professional engagement and hands on experience Underground Runway provides. Ultimately, UGRW works to empower participants to achieve higher standards and encourages them to participate in local community. This includes connecting them with local businesses but more importantly prompting artists to engage directly with other creatives. Underground Runway produces fashion shows, assists in portfolio development, image consultation and designer showcasing, and fosters business-to-business collaboration.
Underground Runway magazine is a direct resource. It focuses on emerging artists of all media, especially in the fashion field. The magazine is based in Oakland and the ideas and images shared on its pages reflect its Oakland roots. Oakland has a strong, diverse background which makes for rich and important topics. Submissions are open to Individuals whose work meets the magazine's standards and goals.