UndergraduateCatalog20-21 | Page 261

Gwynedd Mercy University
AY2020-2021 / Undergraduate Academic Catalog
credentialing process . Students will engage in the job selection process , inclusive of a personal needs assessments , resume writing , and interviewing skills . Additionally , extensive coverage of computerized clinical simulations and case studies will be addressed and critical thinking and independent decisionmaking skills will be highlighted . Prerequisites : BIO-108 , BIO-108L , BIO-121 , CHM-111 or CHM-115 , CIS-101 , ENG-101 , MTH-136 , PSY- 100 , PSY-111 , PHY-111 , RC-200 , RC-210 , RC-230 , RC-231 , RC- 232 , RC-233 , RC-234 , RC-330 , RC-331 , RC- 333 or RC-336 , RC-340 , RC-341 , RC-350 ; ( Required , Previous ). | RC-332 , RC-342 , RC-351 , ENG-200 , PSY- 111 ( Required , Previous or Concurrent ).
RC-340 Advanced Respiratory Lab Procedures I ( 1 ) The application of principles and theory covered in RC 330 will be provided in a campus laboratory setting . Laboratory exercises will include : advanced topics in physical assessment of the adult , child and newborn , care and management of the pediatric and neonatal patient , and equipment and procedures employed in pulmonary rehabilitation , skilled nursing facilities and home care . Prerequisites : BIO-108 , BIO-108L , BIO-121 , CIS-101 , , ENG-101 , MTH-136 , PSY- 100 , PHY-111 , CHM111 or CHM-115 , RC-200 , RC-210 , RC-230 , RC-231 , RC-232 , RC-233 , RC-234 , RC-240 , RC-241 , RC-242 , RC-250 , RC-251 ;( Required , Previous ). | PSY-111 , ( Required , previous or concurrent ), RC-330 , RC-331 , RC-333 or RC-336 , RC-341 , RC-350 ( Required , Concurrent ).
RC-341 Advanced Respiratory Lab Procedures II ( 1 ) The application of principles and theory covered in RC 331 will be provided in a campus laboratory setting . Laboratory exercises will include : airway care , all phases of mechanical ventilation , hemodynamic monitoring and advanced cardiology . Additionally , it will address assisting in emergency interventions ; such as , thoracentesis , chest tubes and advanced cardiac life support . Prerequisites : BIO-108 , BIO-108L , BIO-121 , CIS-101 , ENG-200 , ENG-101 , MTH-136 , PSY- 100 , PHY-111 , CHM-111 or CHM-115 , RC-200 , RC-210 , RC-230 , RC-231 , RC-232 , RC-233 , RC-234 , RC-240 , RC-241 , RC- 242 , RC-250 , RC-251 ; ( Required , Previous ). RC-331 , RC-333 or RC-336 , RC-340 , RC-341 , RC-350 ( Required , Concurrent ). ENG- 200 , PSY-111 ( Required , Previous or concurrent )
RC-342 Advanced Respiratory Lab Procedures III ( 1 ) The application of principles and theory covered in RC 332 will be provided in a campus laboratory setting . Laboratory exercises will include : advanced topics in the area of pulmonary diagnostics ; such as , body plethysmography , methacholine challenge testing , cardio-pulmonary stress testing , bronchoscopy and sleep studies . Prerequisites : BIO-108 , BIO-108L , BIO-121 , CIS-101 , ENG-101 , MTH-136 , PSY-100 , PHY-111 , CHM-111 or CHM-115 , RC-200 , RC-210 , RC-230 , RC-231 , RC-232 , RC-233 , RC-234 , RC-240 , RC-241 , RC-242 , RC-250 , RC-251 , RC-330 , RC-331 , RC-333 or RC-336 , RC-340 , RC-341 , RC-350 ; 1 SEM course and 1 RS course ( Required , Previous ). | ENG-200 , PSY-111 ( Required , Previous or concurrent ) RC-332 , RC-334 , RC-335 or RC-337 , RC-342 , RC-351 ( Required , Concurrent ).
RC-350 Advanced Respiratory Clin Practice I ( 2 ) The student will be placed in selected clinical sites to observe , practice and become proficient in the performance of skills , procedures and / or modalities addressed in the RC 330 , RC 331 , and RC 340 and RC 341 . While skill development and refinement will continue for all previously covered topics , the focus of this course will be advanced topics in physical assessment of the adult , child and