UndergraduateCatalog20-21 | Page 257

Gwynedd Mercy University
AY2020-2021 / Undergraduate Academic Catalog
Prerequisites : BIO-108 , BIO-108L , ENG-101 , MTH-136 , PSY-100 , PHY- 111 ; ( Required , Previous ). | CHM-111 or CHM-115 , , RC-210 , RC-230 , RC-233 , RC-234 , RC-240 ( Required , Concurrent ).
RC-210 Medical Terminology ( 1 ) This course will provide an in-depth study of the terminology associated with the human body and specifically the respiratory system . Emphasis will be placed on the prefixes , suffixes and roots associated with terminology necessary to function in today ' s health care environment . Prerequisites : BIO-108 , BIO- 108L , ENG-101 , MTH-136 , PSY-100 , PHY- 111 ; ( Required , Previous ). | CHM-111 or CHM-115 , , RC-200 , RC-230 , RC-233 , RC-234 , RC-240 ( Required , Concurrent ).
RC-230 Respiratory Theory I ( 4 ) Study of the principles and theory in the administration of medical gases , humidity and aerosol therapy , lung expansion therapy , chest physiotherapy , and basic physical assessment . An overview of basic sciences applicable to respiratory care will also be provided . Prerequisites : BIO-108 , BIO-108L , ENG-101 , MTH-136 , PSY-100 , PHY- 111 ; ( Required , Previous ). | CHM-111 or CHM-115 , , RC-200 , RC-210 , RC-233 , RC-234 , RC-240 ( Required , Concurrent ).
RC-231 Respiratory Theory II ( 3 ) This course will continue with the basic concepts of physical assessment and include cardiac assessment and basic pediatric and neonatal assessment . It will address basic concepts of pulmonary diagnostics and include : arterial blood gas analysis and pulmonary function testing . Prerequisites : BIO-108 , BIO- 108L , CHM-111 or CHM-115 , ENG-101 , MTH-136 , PSY-100 , PHY-111 ; RC-200 , RC-210 , RC-230 , RC- 233 , RC-234 , RC-240 ( Required , Previous ). | BIO-121 ( Required , Previous or concurrent ), RC- 232 , RC- 241 , RC-242 , RC-250 , RC-251 ( Required , Concurrent ).
RC-232 Respiratory Theory III ( 3 ) This course will serve as an introduction to the care and management of the patient ' s airway . Additionally , it will provide an introduction to the design , development , initiation , management and discontinuation of continuous mechanical ventilation . Prerequisites : BIO-108 , BIO-108L , CHM-111 or CHM-115 , ENG-101 , MTH-136 , PSY-100 , PHY-111 ; RC- 200 , RC-210 , RC-230 , RC- 233 , RC-234 , RC-240 ( Required , Previous ). | BIO-121 ( Required , Previous or concurrent ), RC- 231 , RC- 241 , RC-242 , RC-250 , RC-251 ( Required , Concurrent ).
RC-233 Respiratory and Cardiac Physiology ( 3 ) This course will provide in-depth coverage of the anatomy and physiology of the cardiopulmonary system . Particular emphasis will be placed on pulmonary mechanics , control of breathing and gas exchange . General characteristics of obstructive and restrictive lung disease will be addressed . Prerequisites : BIO-108 , BIO-108L , ENG-101 , MTH-136 , PSY-100 , PHY- 111 ; ( Required , Previous ). | CHM-111 or CHM-115 , , RC-200 , RC-210 , RC-230 , RC-234 , RC-240 ( Required , Concurrent ).
RC-234 Respiratory Pharmacology ( 3 )