UndergraduateCatalog20-21 | Page 255

Gwynedd Mercy University AY2020-2021 / Undergraduate Academic Catalog
PSY-313 Coaching & Positive Psychology ( 3 ) This course provides an introduction to the field of coaching with a focus on the application of Positive Psychology theory and techniques . Students will learn about the historical and theoretical foundations of coaching ; the inter-relationship of the concepts of coaching , mentoring , counselling and training ; and the role coaching plays in a variety of contexts . Topics to be covered include : coaching models , elements of a coaching session , basic coaching concepts of awareness & responsibility . Prerequisites :
PSY-314 Ethical Issues in Beh & Social Sciences ( 3 ) Study of major current ethical and controversial issues in the behavioral and social sciences with emphasis on providing a framework for the development of an appreciation of the issues and the ability to evaluate the issues analytically and critically . ( Fall course ) Prerequisites : PSY-100 ( Required , Previous ).
PSY-320 Experimental Psychology ( 3 ) Introduction to fundamental techniques of psychological experimentation ; theoretical and laboratory examination of processes underlying behavior . Prerequisites : PSY-100 , PSY-111 , PSY-312 ( Required , Previous ).
PSY-321 Group Processes ( 3 ) Introduction to group dynamics with focus on the theory and practice of group models in education , community health , and mental health settings ; includes a review of best practices and ethics in group work , and opportunities for the student to examine personal behaviors in group interaction and to participate in group leadership ( required course components ). Prerequisites : PSY-100 ( Required , Previous ).
PSY-322 Psychology of Personality ( 3 ) A study of the normal personality including structure , dynamics and theoretical approaches , exploration of patterns of adjustment , and the methods of personality assessment . Prerequisites : PSY-100 ( Required , Previous ).
PSY-323 Psychology of Gender ( 3 ) An analysis of the male and female personality ; special consideration given to biological , intellectual , motivational , and achievement characteristics . Prerequisites : PSY-331 The Middle Adult Years ( 3 ) Survey of the psychological and social aspects ; examination of selected topics : perspectives and theories of adulthood , tasks and lifestyles of the young adult , transition to middle age with its tasks and characteristics , preparation for later maturity . Prerequisites :
PSY-350 Counseling Theory & Practice ( 3 ) An integrated approach to the study of basic helping relationships utilizing theory , practice , and case applications ; exploration of the nature and dynamics of the helping encounter in addition to strategies and interviewing techniques . Prerequisites : PSY-100 , PSY-200 , PSY-212 ( Required , Previous ).