UndergraduateCatalog20-21 | Page 207

Gwynedd Mercy University
AY2020-2021 / Undergraduate Academic Catalog
This course will focus on contemporary issues in security including legal authority and general effects on society . Various segments of the course will explore the branches and functions of security in multiple industry and institutional settings including private industry , business , government and other institutions . A specific segment of the course will be devoted to the analysis of the growing function of security from a management perspective .
CRJ-461 Crisis Mgt / Handling Arrested Persons ( 3 ) As part of the ACT 120 curriculum this course prepares police officers for the management of aggressive , dangerous or violent individuals , while focusing on the police officers ' peacekeeping abilities . This course deals with intervention in dispute situations , and the management of disorderly , mentally ill , or psychologically distraught persons . In addition , students learn techniques for handling persons in custody .
CRJ-462 Human Relations / Families in Crisis ( 3 ) As part of the ACT 120 curriculum this course addresses issues such as human behavior , interpersonal communication , cultural diversity , stereotypes , and ethnic intimidation . Mandated reporting requirements for bias crimes , the underlying offenses of ethnic intimidation , and information on hate groups that are known to operate in Pennsylvania are included . In addition , some of the major theoretical frameworks for studying families in crisis and in major life style transitions are examined . The course also provides training on an effective law enforcement response to domestic violence calls .
CRJ-463 Motor Vehicle Collision Investigation ( 3 ) As part of the ACT 120 curriculum this course is designed to introduce the basic investigative practices related to traffic collisions as well as to explain the initial actions to be taken at an accident scene including traffic direction and control . This course addresses the basic elements of the first responding police officer ' s role and the safe practices related to being the first responder to a hazardous materials incident . The importance of written communication skills in the information- gathering process , preliminary investigation , field note taking , documentation of the crime scene or arrests , and articulation regarding the use of force and official police report writing are emphasized .
CRJ-464 Motor Vehicle Law Enforcement ( 3 ) As part of the ACT 120 curriculum this course introduces the basic laws that constitute the Pennsylvania Vehicle Code and their relationship to the work of the police officer . Topics include the legal issues related to occupant safety , in general , and Pennsylvania statutes , in particular . CRJ-465 Patrol Procedures and Operations ( 3 ) As part of the ACT 120 curriculum the course introduces the student to the tasks and duties that police officers must accomplish on a day-to-day basis . The emphasis of this course is on techniques and procedures of patrolling and policing in the community . This course also addresses terrorism and homeland security issues .
CRJ-490 Honors Thesis in Criminal Justice ( 3 ) A criminal justice major may choose to prepare an honors thesis in criminal justice under the supervision of a criminal justice faculty member upon the approval of the program coordinator . The thesis may examine any theoretical , empirical or policy issue of the student ' s choice within criminal justice and would represent an integration and culmination of studies completed during the student ' s studies . May be repeated for additional credit up to a total of six semester hours .