Privately rented shared houses / flats
If you prefer to live independently in the city or surrounding area , that ’ s completely up to you . You can expect to pay around £ 115 –£ 140 per week for a room in a shared flat or house ( usually houses ), and around £ 90 for food and household bills per week on top of the rent price . Lodgings , where the landlord lives on the premises , are usually also in the £ 115 –£ 140 per week range . This will include all your bills and may include some meals too .
Studio flats
We offer 74 self-contained studio flats , located in various halls of residence . Prices range from £ 181 –£ 189 per week . These are prioritised for new mature and postgraduate students , but new undergraduates are welcome to apply for them too .
Res Life Team
You ’ ll have access to the Residence Life Team who provide a varied social programme throughout the academic year and welfare support 24 / 7 .
Student Housing Team
Our dedicated Student Housing Team is on hand to help throughout your time at Portsmouth . Find out about visiting halls or ask them any questions about living arrangements .
We also strongly encourage you to come to an Open Day so you can see what ’ s on offer for yourself .
+ 44 ( 0 ) 23 9284 3214 STUDENT . HOUSING @ PORT . AC . UK PORT . AC . UK / ACCOMMODATION
Accommodation at a glance The main features and fees for our halls in 2025 / 26 .
Guildhall Halls
Bateson - Y - £ 123 £ 4,920
Bateson ( large room ) - Y - £ 138 £ 5,520
Catherine House ** - Y Y £ 172 –£ 182 £ 6,880 –£ 7,280
Greetham Street * - Y Y £ 186 –£ 193 £ 7,440 –£ 7,720
Harry Law - Y Y £ 161 £ 6,440
Harry Law ( studio ) - Y Y £ 181 –£ 189 £ 7,240 –£ 7,560
Accommodation £ 123 –£ 193 £ 115 –£ 140
Utility bills Included in halls rent £ 40
Food / housekeeping £ 50 £ 50
Travel £ 5 –£ 10 £ 5 –£ 10
Social costs £ 30 –£ 40 £ 30 –£ 40
Rosalind Franklin * |
- |
Y |
Y |
£ 166 |
£ 6,640 |
Rosalind Franklin ( studio )* |
- |
Y |
Y |
£ 181 |
£ 7,240 |
Margaret Rule * |
- |
Y |
Y |
£ 174 |
£ 6,690 |
Margaret Rule ( studio )* |
- |
Y |
Y |
£ 188 |
£ 7,520 |
Trafalgar * |
- |
Y |
Y |
£ 155 |
£ 6,200 |
Trafalgar ( studio )* |
- |
Y |
Y |
£ 181 |
£ 7,240 |
Burrell and Rees
Burrell House
Y |
- |
- |
£ 167 –£ 188 |
£ 6,680 –£ 7,520 |
Rees Hall Y - Y £ 216 £ 8,640
* Marked halls are owned by Unite Students . ** Marked hall is owned by Yugo .
The University of Portsmouth takes applications for these buildings , but accommodation agreements for these will be administered directly by Unite Students or Yugo .
For further information on Unite Students or Yugo , visit unitestudents . com / portsmouth or yugo . com / en-gb / global / united-kingdom / portsmouth / catherine-house .
Please note that all hall prices and details are subject to confirmation . All prices are estimated and rounded to the nearest pound for clarity .
Check port . ac . uk for the latest information .
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