BSc ( Hons ) Cyber Security and Forensic Computing
What ’ s this course about ?
Join the fight against cybercrime . In this wide-ranging course , you ’ ll build technical and investigative skills to break down security systems , expose gaps in security , identify cyber intruders and stop hackers in their tracks . Use ethical hacking and become an expert in malware forensics and cryptography . Design and develop software , hardware and networks , in fields such as digital forensics and artificial intelligence . Learn to investigate
cybercrime for the police and see a case through to court . And benefit from our close relationship with the Hampshire Police High Tech Crime Unit through an optional internship .
3 years full time , 4 years with work placement during or after your studies
112 – 120 points from 2 or 3 A levels , or equivalent , to include a relevant subject .
British Computer Society
UCAS code : I901
BSc ( Hons ) Counter Terrorism , Intelligence
and Cybercrime ( Dual Degree )
What ’ s this course about ?
Learn to fight international terrorism and cybercrime as you study in the UK and Australia . With a wide choice of modules , you can develop practical skills in areas including intelligence analysis , radicalisation and extremism , network security and digital forensics . You ’ ll learn from experienced intelligence analysts , investigators , police officers and researchers whose work shapes the sector . In year three , you ’ ll experience how Australian authorities deal with these
threats when you spend a year studying at Edith Cowan University in Perth – and you ’ ll graduate with degrees from both universities .
3.5 years full time with a year abroad
120 – 136 points from 3 A levels , or equivalent .
Additional information
By choosing certain optional modules on this course , you can get credit towards the pre-entry qualifications for a career as a Trainee Probation Officer or Police Officer .
Dual Degree
UCAS code : L312
Study a year in Australia
BSc ( Hons ) Data Science and Analytics |
UCAS code : I1G3 |
What ’ s this course about ?
Learn the technical and analytical skills to make sense of the vast amounts of data available to organisations . You ’ ll develop a deep understanding of modern big data , machine learning and data mining methods , and use databases , systems and analytical tools , such as the Relational Model and structured query language ( SQL ), to identify insights and trends that benefit businesses . Find out how the same systems can be used to identify patterns
What ’ s this course about ?
Create software that could help save lives – and even the planet . Specialise in topics such as data science , AI , robotics , educational computing , graphics and ethical hacking , and apply your skills through our work with charities . Master the software development process , from inception to maintenance , so you can play an integral role in the future of society . You ’ ll develop systems across diverse infrastructures and build the
in medical data , to predict disease or recovery , or in the fight against climate change , through analysing soil data or marine biology .
3 years full time , 4 years with work placement during or after your studies
BSc ( Hons ) Software Engineering
confidence to discuss complex solutions to issues around software applications , such as security considerations and how user lifestyles impact the evolution of software engineering .
3 years full time , 4 years with work placement during or after your studies
112 – 120 points from 2 or 3 A levels , or equivalent , to include a relevant subject .
British Computer Society
112 – 120 points from 2 or 3 A levels , or equivalent , to include a relevant subject .
British Computer Society
UCAS code : G600
BSc ( Hons ) Criminology
What ’ s this course about ?
Explore the causes and consequences of hate crime , state crime , gang crime , missing people , true crime and more . We ’ re known for the breadth of modules we offer , so you can customise your course . From one of higher education ’ s largest communities of criminal justice experts and operational policing staff , you ’ ll learn recognised skills for careers ranging from policing and probation , to fighting fraud . And hone your skills through volunteering and placements with organisations like Hampshire Constabulary , and charities that work with offenders and victims .
3 years full time , 4 years with work placement during or after your studies
112 – 120 points from 3 A levels , or equivalent .
Additional information
UCAS code : L315
As a Criminology student you have access to four modules that are linked to the Professional Qualification in Probation . Completing these four modules reduces the amount of time you spend working towards your Professional Qualification in Probation from 21 months to 15 months .
The module Economic Crime and Fraud Examination is recognised by ACFE ( a global professional body for counter fraud professionals ) and undertaking it provides opportunities for full-time students to complete the Certified Fraud Examiner qualification at a subsidised rate .