Undergraduate Prospectus 2024 Undergraduate Prospectus 2024 Jan 23 | Page 15


Learning facilities
Here are some of the world-class facilities that you ’ ll have access to from day one :
Wi-Fi across campus Free IT support Laptops on 24-hour loan Computer suites with specialised software and equipment including 4k curved monitors A broad range of software that ' s free to use , including MS Office and Adobe Creative Cloud Open access areas , printing and scanning facilities , and group working areas
Institute of Marine Sciences ( IMS )
A marine station with an international reputation . Students and researchers use our facilities to monitor and test marine environments and seawater . This includes looking at how humans impact marine ecosystems and how materials react to different marine environments .
Extreme environments laboratories
These help us understand , evaluate and enhance people ' s comfort , performance and survival in extreme environments such as high altitudes , humid jungles and rough seas .
Music and Sound Recording Studios
Our studios enable students to use high-end professional technology to get the best results from complex recording sessions and include a Dolby Atmos 7.14 surround studio .
The University Library
Spacious , comfortable , well-equipped and open 24 hours a day during term time .
Meeting pods Bookable group study rooms with presentation facilities Soft seating areas Café serving coffee , snacks and light lunches Around 387,000 books , over 906,000 ebooks and nearly 100,000 ejournals Chat to a friendly librarian in person , online or by phone 24 / 7 ( term time ) Dedicated faculty librarians offer in-depth subject support and training

We have committed £ 400 million to our campus evolution .

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