Undergraduate Catalog 2023-2024 | Page 64

Gwynedd Mercy University
AY2023-2024 Undergraduate Academic Catalog Dean and the Vice President for Academic Affairs , and payment through Student Billing , the credit is
posted on the permanent record . Payment and posting must be one semester prior to graduation .
Challenge Examination : Departmental challenge examinations may be given in the event that an approved examination is not available . The examination may include written , oral , laboratory tests or a combination of these ; it will be significantly comprehensive to establish that the student possesses essentially the equivalent knowledge and skills as that of a student who successfully completed the course . After approval to take the challenge is granted , completing the exam successfully and payment is made , the credit is posted on the transcript . Payment and posting must be one semester prior to graduation .
Prior Learning Assessment : This is a formal process and procedure for the granting of credit for life experience . Students may apply for prior learning credits at any time prior to their last semester before graduation ( for the School of Graduate and Professional Studies students , prior to taking the final 15 credits ); however , students must have earned at least 30 credits at Gwynedd Mercy University before credits will be applied to the transcript . No credit for life experience can be applied to courses required as part of the Social Work Degree ( BSW ) program . There is a non-refundable per-credit application fee .
Application for prior learning includes the submission of a detailed portfolio that demonstrates the college-level learning . The learning experience demonstrated and verified through prior learning assessment ( PLA ) must have the academic equivalence of college-level learning . Developmental , remedial , or self-help courses are not comparable to college-level courses . Portfolios are evaluated by trained faculty assessors , who determine the number of credits awarded . Decisions concerning credit awarded will be communicated to the student by the dean of the program in which the credit request is housed . Consult the PLA Student Handbook available through the Office of Academic
Affairs for further information . For information on preparing a prior learning assessment portfolio for nursing , see below .
Nursing Portfolio : The School of Nursing offers qualified registered nurses the opportunity to record professional knowledge and competence that reflects content included in a selected bachelor nursing course . A student must meet with the appropriate nursing faculty member to discuss eligibility , the procedure and complete the approval form for the portfolio process . Portfolios are submitted prior to the semester in which the selected course is regularly scheduled . A total of 12 credits towards BSN nursing credits may be earned through this method . Following completion of requirements , payment and thirty ( 30 ) credits earned at the University , portfolio credit will be recorded . Contact the School of Nursing for further details .
Minor Program
Students interested in earning a minor should consult the specific section of the catalog that pertains to that subject . Students must check with the appropriate Dean and complete a “ Change of Major / Minor ” form which is submitted to the Registrar ’ s Office . Forms can be obtained on the Registrar ’ s Office website .
Off-Campus Credit Approval
Students , once matriculated , are expected to complete all course work at Gwynedd Mercy University . Approval to take courses at another regionally accredited college or university will be granted to students in good academic standing only if special or mitigating circumstances exist . No off-campus courses will be permitted during the student ’ s last semester prior to