Undergraduate Catalog 2023-2024 | Page 62

Gwynedd Mercy University Consortium Participation
AY2023-2024 Undergraduate Academic Catalog
Acadeum Gwynedd Mercy University is a participating Member of the Acadeum . Acadeum is a virtual academic consortium in which member institutions collaborate in sharing online , creditbearing courses and programs . As a member , Gwynedd Mercy University makes available to its students , online courses offered by other members . Our students may register for an online course offered through Acadeum after consulting with their advisor and receiving the necessary approvals . Students who take an Acadeum course are billed through Gwynedd Mercy University at the prevailing per credit rate .
Evaluation of Transfer and Other Credits
Courses completed more than 10 years ( 7 years for science courses ) from a student ’ s date of acceptance are judged on a case-by-case basis as to their applicability in fulfilling current program requirements . This general University provision does not replace existing provisions of a School that are more restrictive in nature .
Every student is given individual attention at Gwynedd Mercy University . Transcripts from other colleges and universities are evaluated by the Admissions Office and Registrar ’ s Office , in consultation with the Dean to determine Gwynedd Mercy University ' s course equivalencies for appropriate transfer credits .
All transfer students are required to earn a minimum of thirty ( 30 ) credits at Gwynedd Mercy University for
an associate degree and 45 to 50 credits , as defined by each school , at Gwynedd Mercy University for a bachelor ’ s degree . This credit requirement does not change regardless of the number of credits accepted in transfer . Additionally , at least half of the credits required for the major must be completed at Gwynedd Mercy University . The number of credits in the major varies within each degree program .
Official transfer evaluations will not be completed for students entering the University Studies program . The Registrar ’ s Office may provide , upon request , unofficial notations indicating which courses might be transferred to Gwynedd Mercy University . These unofficial notes are in no way a contract with the student and will only be used as a guide for registration .
The following criteria will be used in the evaluation of transcripts submitted to Gwynedd
Mercy University : 1 . A minimum grade of " C " or better from a regionally accredited college or university . 2 . Developmental courses which carry credit do not satisfy requirements within the major or general education component of the Gwynedd Mercy University degree program . These courses will not be accepted for credit transfer and will not count toward graduation . 3 . No transfer credits may replace the Signature Seminars . 4 . Grades of " P " ( Pass ) or " S " ( Satisfactory ) are generally not acceptable for transfer ( except under the " second degree program "). Some Schools do allow for exceptions to this policy ; each is evaluated on an individual basis .
5 . Challenge examinations carrying a grade of " P " or " S " completed at another regionally accredited institution may be accepted in transfer within the general education or major component of a degree program ; each is evaluated on an individual basis .
6 . Training and experience within a branch of the military that has been evaluated for