Undergraduate Catalog 2023-2024 | Page 27

Gwynedd Mercy University
AY2023-2024 Undergraduate Academic Catalog the quality of their academic performance during the course and the grading policies within the course syllabus .
Any student who seeks to withdraw from courses within the course withdraw period must submit a Course Withdrawal form to the Registrar ’ s Office . The Course Withdrawal form can be found on the Registrar ’ s Office website . The deadline for course withdrawal is published each semester / session in the Academic Calendar ( see “ Academic Year ”) and may be obtained through the Registrar ’ s Office , on the Registrar ’ s website or in the Office of Academic Affairs . Students who request a course withdrawal after the end of the withdrawal period must submit the Course Withdrawal form in addition to the appropriate documentation that supports their request to the School Dean for approval . Students are financially responsible for all courses from which they withdraw .
To be eligible for a tuition refund a student must officially withdraw by completing a withdrawal form available online on the Registrar ’ s web page . If you are a full-time student , taking between 12-18 credits , please know the refund percentages below only pertain to you if you withdraw from all your classes . Refunds are processed for tuition only , no fees . The only exception to a refund on fee is for the Integrates Studies Program fee of $ 5000 . Please speak to the Financial Aid and Bursar ’ s Offices prior to completing your withdraw form to understand how your financial obligations will be impacted . After you have spoken to both offices and are aware of your financial responsibilities , if you would still like to withdraw , please contact your Academic Advisor . They will provide you with the withdraw form and an explanation of the process . The date that you sign the withdrawal form and what is recorded by the Registrar ' s Office is the basis to determine refunds , tuition changes and / or financial aid adjustments ( please see chart below for details ). Not attending class does not automate an official withdrawal . Please know if you stop attending classes and do not withdraw , you will be responsible for all of your tuition and fees charges . The amount of the refund is based on the date the withdrawal form is recorded in the Registrar ’ s Office . Please see chart below for refund percentages . Not attending class does not automate an official withdrawal .
To be eligible for a refund of room and board a student must officially notify the Office of Residence Life . The amount of the refund is based on the date of the withdrawal . Refunds are established by Residence Life and are included in your housing contract .
No refunds for overpayment will be issued until at least ten days after the drop / add period . For refunds coming from excess financial aid , the Bursar and Financial Aid departments have up to 14 days from the day the student ’ s aid is disbursed to their account to process the refund .
Term Programs Fall and Spring Semester Dropping classes prior to the first day of semester Dropping classes through the last day of the drop / add period Withdraw up to 7 days after the last day of drop / add
Withdraw 8 to 14 days after the last day of drop / add
Percentage of Refund 100 %
100 %
75 %
50 %