Gwynedd Mercy University AY2022-2023 Undergraduate Academic Catalog
Accessibility Services Grievance Procedure Grievances falling under the scope of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 , and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 , and the ADA Amendment Act of 2008 should be made according to the following procedure . This procedure is applicable only to students who have previously registered with Accessibility Services , regardless of their experience in the classroom to date . A student who has a grievance / concern regarding their disability status , accommodations / modifications or lack thereof , the “ reasonableness ” presented by the University , or any decisions based on their presentation by faculty , staff or a department ; or has been subjected to discrimination or harassment on the basis of disability should first contact the Director of Accessibility Services . The Director may be able to assist in the informal resolution of the issue , and / or serve as a liaison to the faculty / staff member or department . In instances which directly involve the Director as an integral party to the grievance / concern , the student should contact the Dean of Student Success for attempts at informal mediation / negotiation . To increase the likelihood of successful resolution , such processes must be initiated at the time of conflict . If the student is not satisfied with the outcome of this process , they may proceed to a Formal Complaint . Retaliation against anyone who files a grievance or cooperates in the investigation , or a grievance is prohibited .
Formal Complaint : A student may choose this option if attempts at prior resolution have been unsuccessful . A signed , written summary of events must be submitted to the Dean of Student Success within 30 days of the initiation of the grievance process . The summary should include the following :
• The specifics of the concern including any applicable sections of the above laws The steps already taken by the student to resolve the issue
• The outcomes of those steps
• The requested resolution to the concern
The Dean of Student Success will , as expeditiously as possible , present the complaint to a committee comprised of representatives from Health Services , Counseling Services , the academic program the student is pursuing or other faculty / staff on campus with relevant expertise , and Institutional Technology , for a full investigation . The Dean of Student Success may also include or consult with an external professional with expertise in disability support services and the presenting concern . Confidentiality will be maintained for everyone involved , in so far as possible .
Only those persons who have a “ need to know ” within the investigation and resolution of complaints are entitled to information regarding a complaint .
The Dean of Student Success may meet with the Director of Accessibility Services for a briefing on information relevant to the case . This communication may occur through a verbal account and / or through review of material documentation previously submitted to the Director , which shall then be permissible in the investigation process . A written report regarding findings will be provided by the committee to the complainant and any involved parties , if action is required on their part . The Dean of Student Success may wish to meet with the complainant to discuss alternate ways of meeting the student ’ s concern determined by the committee if the requested resolution is not deemed appropriate and / or necessary .
If the student remains unsatisfied with the outcome , they may appeal to the Vice President of Academic Affairs / Provost with an updated version of the Summary of Events specifying the current area of