Gwynedd Mercy University
AY2022-2023 Undergraduate Academic Catalog
examination period . Otherwise , a grade of “ F ” will be recorded . No extension will be granted beyond 30 days unless approved by the instructor and the Vice President for Academic Affairs prior to the end of the 30-day extension . If an extension is granted , the instructor must complete the “ Incomplete Grade Extension ” form , along with the student and submit it to the Vice President for Academic Affairs . This form can also be found on the Registrar ’ s Office website . Once a final grade is achieved , the instructor will submit a “ Change of Grade ” form to the Office of Academic Affairs . W : Withdrawn A grade of W is recorded for students who withdraw from a course by the published withdraw period with the permission of the Dean or advisor of their school . If a student ceases to attend class but does not officially withdraw , a grade of F will be recorded for that class . Please refer to the course withdrawal policies in this catalog for additional information . P : Pass / Fail Courses Junior and senior students are permitted the option of electing a pass / fail grading in courses designated in their curriculum as " open elective ." The conditions of the pass / fail policy are :
• The pass / fail is limited to junior and senior level students .
• The student may exercise his or her option in a course that would fill an open elective .
• The student declares his or her intent of the pass / fall option at registration or no later than the end of the semester / session drop / add period .
• The professor will be informed by the student that he or she has exercised the pass / fail option in the course . The letter grade “ P ” is listed on the transcript but is not calculated in the quality point average . These credits are not included in the minimum 12 credits required for the Dean ’ s List . AU : Audit Courses may be audited with an advisor ' s consent . Such courses must be indicated with an AU in the credit hour column on the registration card . The student who has been granted audit status will not be responsible for the assignments or examinations required for the course . Although no credit or grade is received , the same tuition and fees are charged for an audit as for a credit course . Alumni and senior citizens pay only the registration fee when auditing a class . Students are not permitted to change a status of a course from “ audit ” to “ credit ” or “ credit ” to “ audit ” after the end of the drop / add period .
Instructional Hour
In general , students should expect to spend at least 3 hours of effort outside of class for every credit hour . For example , a 4-credit course will require at least 12 hours of student time each week ( homework : 2 hours or more ; reading and studying 6 ½ hours per week ).
Federal regulations require that the university confirms all courses meet the required number of in-class instructional hours . For all undergraduate term programs and non-lab courses , Gwynedd Mercy University defines an “ instructional hour ” as a 50-minute session . While Gwynedd Mercy University is committed to an outcomes-based approach to curriculum and assessment in accordance with its accreditation by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education ( MSCHE ) and other program accrediting associations , it also complies with and endorses the requirements of the Pennsylvania Department of Education on what constitutes a semester credit hour of instruction ( 22 PA . Code Chapter 31-21-31.22 ). The standard states that “ a semester hour represents a unit of curricular material that can normally be taught in a minimum of 14 hours of classroom instruction , plus outside preparation or the equivalent as determined by the faculty .” The institution also supports the federal regulations for 23