Undergraduate Catalog 2021-2022 | Page 56

Gwynedd Mercy University
AY2021-2022 Undergraduate Academic Catalog
certification request can be submitted to the VA by the first day of class . These students will be treated as “ paid students ” and will not be prevented from enrolling in classes or denied access to any school resources or facilities available to other University students in good financial standing . These students also will not be assessed a late penalty fee or required to secure additional funding to cover the late VA payment . GI Bill ® is a registered trademark of the U . S . Department of Veterans Affairs ( VA ). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U . S . government Web site at https :// va . gov / education /. The University serves only as a certifying and transmittal agency in regard to Veterans Educational or War Orphans Benefits . The University ’ s Veteran Affairs Department is part of the Financial Aid Office . The VA Coordinator is available to assist students with respect to their veterans ’ benefits . In addition , veterans may contact : Veterans Administration Regional Office , P . O . Box 4616 , Buffalo , NY 14240-4616 or you can contact the student line at ( 888 ) -442-4551 between 8am-7pm Eastern Time , Monday-Friday .
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Program Leave of Absence ( LOA ) for Non-Term Programs and Accelerated Nursing Program
The Federal government has determined that 60 days or more ( excluding University scheduled calendar breaks ) is a “ break in attendance ” and will affect the student ’ s success in completing the program . All students with a “ break in attendance ” must submit a Leave of Absence ( LOA ) form to their advisor and Financial Aid , for approval , or the student will be withdrawn from the program . The LOA form will indicate to the University how long the student will be out of attendance and the reason . LOA request forms must be submitted within 10 days of the student ’ s Last Date of Attendance ( LDA ). All parts to the LOA request form must be completed in order for the LOA to be considered for approval by the Financial Aid office . Students can take a maximum of 120 days in one LOA with a total maximum of 180 days in a 12 month period . LOA requests will be denied if the break is under 45 days or if the student has exceeded 180 days . The twelve-month period begins with the start of the first leave . Student returning from a first leave of absence must complete at least one course , with a grade other than “ W ” or “ I ” prior to requesting a second leave . If the LOA is not completed or approved , the student will be withdrawn from the program and may be required to re-apply for admission . If program withdrawal paperwork is not completed by student , then student will be withdrawn from program by their advisor . Accelerated Nursing ( ABSN ) Students enrolled in an Accelerated Nursing Program will only be granted an LOA if they must repeat a course , due to failure , and the break in attendance is over 45 days .
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The Department of Public Safety is concerned primarily with maintaining the highest level of security possible on the university campus and within University facilities . University Public Safety officers are not police officers and do not carry firearms ; any criminal investigations are conducted by the Lower Gwynedd Police Department .
Because the safety and security of the University is the shared responsibility of all who live , work and study on the campus , members of the university community are encouraged and expected to use common sense where personal safety is concerned and to report any suspicious or criminal activities to the Department of Public Safety at 215-641-5522 . Emergency phones are strategically placed to assist during emergency situations . Dialing is not required on these phones ; when the receiver is lifted or the button is pushed , the phone automatically calls Public Safety . The office of Public Safety is located in St . Brigid Hall .