Gwynedd Mercy University
AY2021-2022 Undergraduate Academic Catalog
a . If unable to provide advance notice of the military service due to military necessity , students will submit at the time of reenrollment and attestation that the student performed service in the uniformed services that necessitated the student ' s absence from the institution .
II . Reenrollment for service members after a military service obligation : 1 . Students will be promptly reenrolled with the same academic status when last in attendance or last admitted , subject to paragraphs 2 and 3 below . The University will make reasonable efforts at no extra cost to the students to help them become prepared or to enable the student to complete their program . However , if it is determined after reasonable efforts that any such student is unable to complete their program or resume their program at the point where they left off , Gwynedd Mercy University is not required to readmit the student upon their return . 2 . Students will be promptly reenrolled if the cumulative length of the absence and of all previous absences by reason of service in the uniformed services does not exceed five years . Students whose previous absences cumulatively exceed five years are subject to the established reenrollment policy and procedures . 3 . Students who seek reenrollment will provide the University Registrar with documentation to establish that the student has not exceeded the service limitation of total cumulative absence of five years .
III . Additional Services Graduate students may have special problems resulting from a military service obligation , such as a maximum number of years permitted to complete a particular academic program . Graduate students who need an extension or adjustment to their programs due to military service obligations should contact their academic program director . Veterans ' tuition benefits at Gwynedd Mercy are administered by the Office of Financial Aid .
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Religious Holidays
It is the policy of the University to respect the observance of major religious holidays . Where scheduling conflicts prove unavoidable , no student will be penalized because of religious reasons , and alternative means will be sought for satisfying the academic requirements involved .
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Withdrawal Policies
Withdrawal from a Course – in a Term Program Students who desire to withdraw from one or more courses may do so within the course withdrawal period . Students who do not officially withdraw from a course will earn the appropriate grade based on the quality of their academic performance during the course and the grading policies within the course syllabus .
Any student who seeks to withdraw from courses within the course withdraw period must submit a Course Withdrawal form to the Registrar ’ s Office . The Course Withdrawal form can be found in the Campbell Solution Center or on the Registrar ’ s Office website . The deadline for course withdrawal is published each semester / session in the Academic Calendar ( see “ Academic Year ”) and may be obtained through the Registrar ’ s Office , on the Registrar ’ s website or in the Office of Academic Affairs . Students who request a course withdrawal after the end of the withdrawal period must submit the Course Withdrawal form in addition to the appropriate documentation that supports their request to the School Dean for approval . Students are financially responsible for all courses from which they withdraw .
Withdrawal from an Accelerated or Non-Term course