Undergraduate Catalog 2021-2022 | Page 19

Gwynedd Mercy University AY2021-2022 Undergraduate Academic Catalog
443U _ prvst
Academic Probation and Dismissal
Term Programs A full-time or part-time student enrolled in a term program whose cumulative grade point average falls below the required minimum ( see description under “ Academic Progress ”) during either the Fall or Spring semester will be placed on University academic probation for the next full-time semester ( either Fall or Spring ).
Students will be notified in writing if they are on University academic probation by the Office of Academic Affairs after a review by the Dean ’ s Council . Students on academic probation will be permitted to register for a maximum of 14 credits . A student on probation is not in good academic standing and is , therefore , not eligible to participate in major extracurricular activities , including intercollegiate athletics .
By the conclusion of the probationary semester , students are expected to have achieved the minimum acceptable cumulative grade point average . Otherwise , they will be academically dismissed from the University by the Vice President for Academic Affairs . An exception for one additional semester of academic probation may be granted to students who demonstrate significant academic progress , as determined .
If , at any time , a full- time or part-time student ’ s cumulative GPA falls below 1.0 , they are subject to immediate dismissal . Students who receive notification of dismissal from Gwynedd Mercy University may be given the option to appeal on the basis of extenuating circumstances . The appeal must be in writing , should outline the reasons for the student ’ s poor academic performance and the strategies the student will use to improve their academic standing , and must be submitted by the date stipulated in the dismissal letter . The appeal is directed to the Vice President for Academic Affairs who will present it to the Appeals Committee consisting of the Dean ’ s Council , the Dean of Students , and appropriate faculty and staff . The Appeals Committee will review the appeal and determine , based on the likelihood a student can achieve good academic standing the next semester , whether the student may return to Gwynedd . If a student is readmitted , they will return on probationary status , and the Appeals Committee reserves the right to set conditions on which the student may return . These conditions may include , but are not limited to , a reduced course load , a revised course schedule , mandatory meetings with an academic coach , and mandatory class attendance . Students are generally allowed only one opportunity for appeal during their tenure at Gwynedd Mercy University .
Students who receive notification of dismissal without the right to appeal , or whose appeal is denied are immediately dismissed from the University . Dismissal is binding for one calendar year . After one year , students interested in returning to Gwynedd , may apply for readmission to the University . The School Dean will evaluate the readmission application for approval . Readmission is not guaranteed .
Accelerated and Non-Term Programs Students who fall below 1.8 or 2.0 respectively of their total credits ( transferred and earned ) will be placed on Academic Probation for the following term ( terms are defined as Fall , Spring and Summer ). Students who do not bring their GPA above the minimum threshold by the completion of the following term may be academically dismissed . Students on academic probation may not concurrently enroll in more than a single course .
Undergraduate students enrolled in a non-term program who earn a grade of F in any course or a grade less than C in a required course within the major , regardless of cumulative GPA , will be subject to Academic