Under the Sea and other Stories | Page 6

My first experience snorkeling was with Billy. We were in Miami Beach. It was a beautiful experience. The water was very cold because it was winter and we were shivering a lot but we were having a lot of fun.

We were there because it was our dream and when we were smaller we had promised that when we were 14 years old we would go to snorkel for our first time together. “This is our promise” I said.

Suddenly we passed the brown rocks with the green moss and we saw a big fish. I was scared because I thought it was a shark. But when we went near we realized that it was a very beautiful dolphin. It was light-blue, white and blue. We were very excited and Billy and I started to swam with that beautiful dolphin that was there. We went up, down and we had a lot of fun.

Finally we were tired so we swam up to the boat that took us to snorkel. Then we went to the beach and finished our exciting day in relax. It was the most beautiful experience ever and we enjoyed it too much. “This experience was amazing” Billy said.










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