Under Construction @ Keele 2017 Under Construction @ Keele Vol. III (3) | Page 30

Based on the available information , bullying within HE is a concern . There appear to be fewer incidences at this level of education than at school , but we cannot yet confidently confirm this impression due to a lack of robust investigations . The dearth of relevant studies may indicate a lack of interest in the area , or a lack of funding . Nevertheless , this research is vital because not only does bullying affect individuals psychologically , but the psychological effects interfere with students ’ ability to learn . 50 University also differs in that it is voluntary . There is free will regarding attendance , and the decision to attend university is also made at a developmental period in life where novelty seeking and social engagement are prominent aspects for adolescents ( adolescence spans approximately from 12 to 24 years ). 51 HE institutions present another unique population to study , whereby the developmental period , as well as the organisational structure of university life , are all likely to impact behaviour differently to the manner in which bullying at school affects children , and workplace bullying affects adults .
It is then necessary to address this research gap and build upon the limited existing research by conducting a systematic and representative investigation into university students ’ involvement in bullying in the UK . As much as academic campuses tend to be perceived as safe and isolated from real world problems , complex crimes are unfortunately committed there . 52 In the poignant words of Ian Rivers : ‘ The existence of bullying , victimisation , and discrimination in universities and colleges is shaming . It ultimately demonstrates that bigotry exists even in those places where intellect and insight are in abundance ’. 53 The issue of bullying in HE can no longer be ignored .
50 Rigby , “ Bullying at School and in the Workplace .” 51 Daniel J . Siegel , Brainstorm : The Power and Purpose of the Teenage Brain ( New York : Penguin ,
2013 ). 52 Daniel Lee and Carly Hilinski-Rosick , “ The Role of Lifestyle and Personal Characteristics on Fear of
Victimization Among University Students .” American Journal of Criminal Justice 37 ( 4 ) ( 2011 ): 647- 668 . 53 Ian Rivers , “ Homophobic and Transphobic Bullying in Universities ,” in Bullying Among University
Students , ed . Helen Cowie and Carrie-Anne Myers ( Oxon : Routledge , 2016 ).