Under Construction Journal Issue 6.1 UNDER CONSTRUCTION JOURNAL 6.1 | Page 4

‘Political Obligation and Why We Must Obey the State: Comparing Ibn Khaldūn and 64 Hobbes’s Understanding of Political Obligation to Appraise the Phenomenon of ‘Philosophical Anarchism’ Today’. Mohammed Hanif Khan ‘Conditions of Civil Peace and al-Andalus’: Does Al-Andalus qualify as a peaceful Kingdom’. 71 Mario Garcia Nieto ‘The Value of Amicus Curiae Submissions: An Observation of the Upcoming ICC Appeals 82 Chamber Hearing into the Situation in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan’. Lloyd Myatt ‘Acid politics and the working-class within contemporary literature; an initial reading of 95 working-class art practices and the quasi-political estate collective within Ten Storey Love Song (2010) through an engagement with Mark Fisher’s Acid Communism’. Martin Goodhead Note on Contributors 113 ii