Mysterious Robed
“Not only does does this robed figure
raises questions about itself, it raises a
variety of ansers to those questions.”
- Gerardo Martinez
This drawing was made in Adobe Illustrator. It is an
analogous color drawing of a robed figure. By making
this an analogous artwork, I used the colors green and
blue which are beside each other in the color wheel. It
a robed figure in an unknown location with an unseen
light source shining on the figure. As the robed figure
is shined by the light, I used the color green to form the
values of the figure. I used the lighter shades of green
to form the lights of the figure, Then, I used the darker
shades of green to form the darks of the figure. Also,
made a shadow of the figure that forms behind it on the
floor and wall that is created by the light source.
The idea of this artwork is to show the attributtes of using analogous colors as the shadows and lights formed
from a light source.Also, it is to show the values of blue
and green created in this artwork from a light source.
The drawing uses green as the two previous drawings
to show how the color green is used in a monochromatic, complementary, and this analogous drawing.
I want the audience to see how the light source has existance from the lights, shadows, and different shades
of both colors formed in the artwork. Also, I want the
audience to see how I used the color green in this analogous drawing and in the previous monochromatic
and complementary drawings. By doing this, I want
to share there opinions of what vibes do these three
different artworks express.
Green robed figure in a blue area with a light source
shining on the figure against the wall.
18 - Uncanny Subjects
Uncanny Subjects - 19