Unbound Issue 4 | Page 2

Dear Reader Dear Reader, You hold in your hands the 4th issue of Michigan Abolitionist Project’s Unbound Magazine. This issue is a special one, as its release coincides with the Unbound Project, an event encompassing everything MAP believes that the creative arts can mean to the fight against human trafficking. Freedom, the theme of this issue of the magazine and the Unbound Project, is an often talked about yet rarely understood concept. As we advocate for the freedom of victims and survivors of human trafficking in Michigan and around the world, it’s important that we listen to a number of voices as they speak about their freedom and the freedom of others. A collective experience, freedom occurs in and through a community of people. Contributors to this issue of the magazine engage with freedom through poetry, essays, short stories, and personal reflection. As you read your way through the magazine you will meet a Union soldier dreaming of freedom while held captive in a Confederate POW camp; you will feel the dust and dirt of renovation under your fingertips as you encounter the birthing of HQ, a place for youth experiencing homelessness to get a new start; and you will learn to see through the exterior and into the interior, encountering the freedom in another’s soul. Welcome to the 4th Issue of Unbound Magazine. Sincerely, Kathy Maitland Executive Director of Michigan Abolitionist Project 1 | LETTER FROM THE EDITOR 2