Table of Contents
Unbound Next Submission
Artist Statement By Ryan Hanberry
The woman on the cover represents a person who has endured the horrors of being trafficked . For the few who survive their ordeal the psychological damage is catastrophic and they often feel broken and useless . While I was thinking on this I got an image in my head that just would not go away , so I drew it . The illustration is symbolic not of how she looks to the world but rather how she feels inside , broken , perhaps un-repairable . I can only surmise what this really feels like to a survivor , of course , so this drawing will fall short . However , my hope is that through this illustration someone may connect with the pain those enslaved suffer and be inspired to prevent slavery from happening in the first place .
Unbound Magazine
A project of Michigan Abolitionist Project www . michiganabolitionistproject . org
Editorial Staff
Editor-In-Chief Julie Slagter
Editors Meahgan Pear Melissa Martin Ryan Hanberry Susie Finkbeiner
Art Direction Mimi P Communications
Layout / Design Laura Parker
Submission Information
Art / Photography unbound . art @ gmail . com
Nonfiction unbound . nonfiction @ gmail . com
Fiction / Poetry unbound . fiction @ gmail . com is a collection of written and creative work born in the hearts and minds of people who are passionate about the cause of freedom . All contributors are Michigan residents who carry within them the hope that all victims of human trafficking will one day know freedom . With this hope , we join together using our gifts to further the fight for the complete abolition of slavery , in Michigan , in the United States , and around the world . Unbound is an outpouring of a passion for freedom and a love for those who have had their freedom stripped away .
Table of Contents
Bringing Hope to the Voiceless ........................................................ 2 Meahgan Pear
The Power of a Thought .................................................................. 4 Adam Ferguson
The Pipe People ................................................................................ 5-6 Julie Slagter
Illumination : Shedding Light on Human Trafficking ................ 8 Melissa Martin
It Starts with Us ................................................................................. 9-10 Brianna DeWitt
Killing the Thorn .............................................................................. 3-4 Susie Finkbeiner
Ryan Hanberry .................................................................................... Cover 3 , 9
Rebecca May ........................................................................................ 5-7
Unbound Next Submission
Theme & Submission Deadline .................................................. 10