UN CERF Annual Report 2012 January 2012 - December 2012 | Page 34
Glimmers of hope in Pakistan
CERF’s PAF is used to formally define,
“forgotten” crisis and filling critical gaps; and by supporting
manage and monitor performance and
coordination at HCT level.
accountability processes related to the
The Djibouti review concluded that CERF had played a
Fund’s operation. The PAF includes a logic
crucial role in catalysing the structures of humanitarian
model based on CERF’s three primary
objectives and defines indicators for
measuring CERF’s performance. The PAF
reform in Djibouti, where none had existed before 2011,
strengthening the HC’s role in coordinating humanitarian
action among agencies, and advocating with the Government.
country-level reviews of CERF’s added
value per year.
RC/HCs receiving CERF funds are required to submit
also calls for three to five independent
Credit: WHO
annual narrative reports detailing what was accomplished
The CERF secretariat has contracted an independent
with the funds. These reports use input from CERF recipient
expert to review the PAF that was introduced in 2010. The
agencies at the country level, and they are meant to illustrate
process started in January 2013 and should be concluded
how CERF has fulfilled its core objectives. They include
before the end of the second quarter of 2013. The CERF
lessons learned to ensure constant improvement of
secretariat will explore possible improvements to the PAF
CERF’s performance.
based on the recommendations.
The quality of CERF field reports has improved since the
In 2012, the CERF secretariat commissioned a review of
Fund’s inception. The CERF secretariat works closely with
the value added by CERF assistance to the humanitarian
country teams to finalize the reports, which are posted on
responses to the Horn of Africa drought, the Ivorian
the CERF website. Reporting guidance and templates have
refugee crisis and the complex needs in the Philippines.
progressively been made clearer, responding to feedback
The reviews were facilitated by field visits to Côte
from the field. The CERF secretariat updated the format of
d’Ivoire, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, the
the reports and the guidelines in 2012, and pre-structured
Philippines, and Somalia. Several common findings
each country report according to number of emergencies
emerged, most notably that support from OCHA and
of each given country, and pre-entered all available data
the CERF secretariat had been instrumental in preparing
ahead of the report process.
CERF requests and that CERF support had been crucial
to enabling humanitarian responses in smaller, lessvisible emergencies.
CERF carried out two-day trainings in Panama City,
The Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana and Liberia reviews confirme