Um Olhar sobre o Recôncavo Um Olhar Sobre o Recôncavo | Page 28
he district of Guai-
bim, created in 1999,
is located on the co-
ast of Bahia in the county of
Valença. Similarly, Guaibim
has the equivalent to 20km
of beautiful beaches, which
set the limit of the beginning
of the Dendê Coast. From
indigenous origin, the name
Guaibim means "away from
the large city bustle " or "wa-
ters from the Beyond ", since
the Indians believed in the
existence of sea monsters.
Still, its beaches are subdi-
vided into 3 parts: Taquari,
Guaibizinho and Guaibim.
The beaches are important
nursebirds of sea turtles,
threatened today by the de-
predation of the environ-
ment. Similarly, its beaches
are strong tourism spots, as
they are ideal for quiet sea
baths, water sport practi-
cing and relaxing walks and
also receive stages of Surfing
championships during high
Also, considered as the
quietest cove in Guaibim,
Taquari has an infrastruc-
ture that assists and encou-
rages a discreet kind of tou-
rism, specific for those who
seek resting in contact with
nature. Likewise, the region
is not only influential in
tourism, but also in the ma-
riculture as well as in han-
dicrafts mainly made from
coconut and ceramics.
Moreover, in 1557, a Por-
tuguese man called Sebas-
tião Pontes landed the first
cattle in Guaibim, setting
up the site as one of the ol-
dest farms on Bahia Coast.
Moreover, the district was
important in the colonial
era, since Ponta do Curral,
where the land occupation
was started by small lan-
downers, where the cattle
were quarantined.
• by: Beatriz Miranda
Victória Moraes
• by: Beatriz Miranda