Ultrafast Nano-Spectroscopy | Page 4

Probing carrier depletion in InAs nanowires by ultrafast nano-FTIR spectroscopy

The unique , patented dispersion-free dual beam-path design of IR-neaSCOPE + fs naturally supports pump-probe experiments with visible , IR and THz beams , and enables the nanoscale investigation of carrier dynamics in semiconductors with fs temporal resolution .
Ultrafast nano-FTIR Carrier dynamics nano-FTIR reflectivity
nano-FTIR amplitude , au
1000 1400 Wavenumber , cm -1
Pump-Probe delay , ps
Carrier density , 10 18 cm -3
300 600 900 0 1.0 2.0
Pump-probe delay t , fs
Position , ยต m
Ultrafast carrier injection due to femtosecond near-IR photoexcitation of InAs leads to the formation of a pronounced dip ( blue line ) in the nano-FTIR spectra ( left ), whose spectral position is determined by the plasma resonance of the created hot electrons and directly relates to the carrier concentration . Changing the pump-probe delay allows for monitoring of the carrier relaxation dynamics . Such an analysis performed with IR-neaSCOPE + fs on a single InAs nanowire with 10 fs temporal & 10 nm spatial resolution reveals an ultrafast formation of a surface depletion layer and even allows for the characterization of its depth .
Ultrafast nano-FTIR opens path towards efficient electronics & laser sources
M . Eisele , et al ., Nature Photonics 2014 , 8 , 841
M . Wagner et al ., Nano Lett . 2014 , 14 , 4529 www . attocube . com