Ultimate Woman International UWI Winter 2018 | Page 17

At Ultimate Woman International we feature everyday women business owners that are excellent in customer service and love helping others. There is nothing like a referral that you can count on to be the best! Jewelry Fun Services Origami Owl Do you have a story to tell? Sarah Bryant 602-702-9202 Shop online: sandystory4217.origamiowl.com Gem Box Accessories Beautiful doesn't have to break the bank! Tianne Pierce www.gemboxaccessories.com Beauty Sales Director with Mary Kay Jamie Lopez 979-204-1902 Travel www.marykay.com/Jamie Lopez “Contact me for all your Vacation Needs.” Cruise Planners Leila’s Ultimate Beauty Sheila Bottoff 602-550-2622 Angie Darro 623-518-3511 www.adventuresthroughtravel.com Giving Back Cryo Therapy Networking with Like-Minded Professionals Personally recommended By Invitation only You’re Invited by Brittany Ann www.greaterphoenixbusinessexchange.com This spot could be yours! Victoria’s Amazing Rejuvenating Body Cream Vikki Cash 480-370-6148 or 602-703-4072 Ultimate Woman International Magazine December 2018