Ultimate Woman International UWI June 2018 | Page 17

René Johnson CEC | The Power Zone Coach “Passion is the key to living a good life; living from your Power Zone is the key to living a great, fulfilled and deeply satisfying life.” If you ever find yourself wondering dreaming and secretly wishing for something else but suppress it, it’s time to step into your Power Zone. “You can live the life you deserve and have success in your business – IF you’re willing to claim it”, says René Johnson, The Power Zone Coach, author of "Leaving Your Comfort Zone" and CEO of Power Zone Coach- ing. René ’s work empowers small business owners, motivated executives and emerging leaders to live on every level from their Power Zones. As a result, they can successfully lead their vision to achievement and enjoy the balanced lifestyle it should provide. Since René can remember, she felt called to a greater purpose – the calling she now claims as an inspired leader and gifted empowerment coach. Her personal story is one of courage and defining moments which led to her to helping others find their voice and deeper power to make significant positive changes. As a consultant, trainer, speaker, certified coach and internationally-known author, René develops and leads programs that teach “inner-outer” directed change to connect inner purpose and passion to outer goals for extraordinary achievement. Her clients, in many cases, triple their revenues through working with René because the business finally becomes the vehicle to live their lives deliberately and with more joy. With 20+ years of experience, René has personally and successfully worked with hundreds of advancing leaders to grow their high-performance cultures and systems, backed by empowered teams, in many industries, including real estate, transportation, health care, international business and more. Everything you want lies just outside of your comfort zone. You deserve more… so accept the challenge and welcome the changes ahead! Behind every successful individual is their most powerful self; by tapping into their Power Zones, they can overcome any fears or doubts they may face – and that includes you. Please take my free self-assessment, The Power Zone Readiness Self-Assessment: https://www.powerzonecoach.com Check out more tips and videos in her Facebook community here: https://www.facebook.com/powerzonecoach Ultimate Woman International Magazine June 2018