Ultimate Woman International UWI Fall Nov 2017 | Page 7
MarJeanne Fields
I spent a decade in sales traveling around the country
constantly “chasing the carrot”, and always looking for the next
sale. This took a ton of time and effort on my part but one day I thought
“there HAS to be a better way!”. I decided to go back to college, and I
now hold both an Associates’ and a Bachelors’ degree in Sales and
Marketing with my degrees’ emphasis in technical management
(online marketing).
Six years ago, I decided to follow my family when they moved to
Phoenix. Even though this was my 48th move in eight years, I have al-
ways loved Arizona and felt like I was finally moving “home”. Shortly
after the move I found work as a Google account manager.
While learning from Google, I created ads using Google AdWords to help clients in their digital
marketing efforts. During my time at Google I developed a passion for helping small business owners
jump start their lead generation through online marketing.
Following my time with Google, I moved on to work with three startup companies looking to
grow their market, and generate higher gross revenues. Through my management skills, I helped
each team to grow their businesses through all avenues of marketing.
I was able to learn first-hand what works in marketing, and what doesn’t. It gave me a great sense
of pride watching these small companies go from basically no revenue per year and no employees,
to establishing a business that financially supported employees, local and international sub-
contractors, and helped bring needed products and services to the community.
DI Marketing is an Arizona based website design and social
media management firm specializing in developing, updating,
and monitoring all aspects of social media for our clients. I am very
excited and grateful about the early success of DI Marketing, and
the responses that my clients have had from the digital marketing
my company monitors.
I am especially passionate about helping women promote,
and grow their business through successful social media manage-
ment. My team is skilled in evaluating needs, producing complete
data and web solutions for companies in almost any industry.
Call and connect with me today…
T: 661-373-5357 E: [email protected]
Ultimate Woman International Magazine
November 2017