Ultimate Woman International UWI Fall Nov 2017 | Page 3
Why would you ever
want to be an
Article by- Brittany Ann
Entrepreneurship… a word that has
exploded in today’s business market. For a
long time, people did not recognize it as a
career or even a job. For many years and still to
this day my family sees me as having all the time
in the world because I do not go to a 9-5 job.
When in truth I work way more than an 8-hour
day and am always working. Entrepreneurs can
identify with that whole heartedly. Weather, we
are on vacation or at the grocery store we are
always sharing our business with someone.
Being an entrepreneur requires a certain
mindset. We think differently and as some may
say “ we are living on the edge.” We say.. “That
is half of the fun”, the other half is the perks that
come with owning your own business. Like you
don’t answer to anyone but yourself, time free-
dom and the opportunity to grow as big as you
However, there is a downside too. You are
solely responsible for the success or failure of
your business. And, as you know only the strong
survive. Really, if you are the type of person that
once they set their mind to something, nothing
gets in your way and your are fully committed.
Get started and stay STRONG. Start with
research and put a plan of action together.
Next, Interview your ideal customer/ client.
Don’t worry about not knowing everything
Ultimate Woman international Magazine
Good News, there is mentoring, training
and tools to help you. There are many
elements that factor into being an
entrepreneur… Like, Your infrastructure,
promotion, presentation, education
client retention, growth and more. Of
course, it can be quite overwhelming
and even discouraging at times.
Don’t fret! Ask yourself, do you
believe in YOU? You are talented and
I’m sure you have a passion and a
burning desire to succeed. Entrepre-
neurship allows you to DREAM BIG!! With,
a system, support and a plan you will
gain the confidence to Make It Happen
and overcome challenges.
Here are some helpful tips ...
Gain confidence by Educating
yourself and use Personal Development
to grow as a person, Build a system that
you design to be profitable, Build
Relationships and Form a Power Team,
Structure your Schedule to utilize Time
Management, Be Ethical and have
Integrity, Know your Image that you
project and Be working to be better at
who you are and what you do.
Remember your WHY and that Profits
are better than wages- unknown
Much Success and Blessings!
November 2017