Ultimate Woman International Magazine Dec 2019 UWI DEC 2019 | Page 10
Looking for a better way to Run, Operate
and Profit from Your Business?
UWI University is NOW accepting women
entrepreneurs that are dedicated to building
their business, helping others and desire to
be more … Profitable, Productive, Impactful,
and to obtain their goals and dreams!
Step 1
Step 2
Determine how motivated you
are to TRANSFORM your business NOW!
Read this entire flyer and decide
if this is for you.
Brittany Ann
Step 3
Enrollment information is on the
next page. You can Make it Happen!
Are you? How would ….
In need of Daily Method of Operations Building and Utilizing a Business Plan Daily
Struggling to Attract Your Ideal Client Understanding and Knowing Your Ideal Client
Getting Paid What Your Worth Mastering Time Management
Rocking Time Management Sales and Networking
Being Noticed.. Branding/ Marketing Maximizing Your Brand and Marketing
Building Valuable Partnerships Building Your Database and Building Valuable Relationships
Understanding Social Media
Impact Your Business and Life?
Ultimate Woman International
We are women owned businesses making a momentous splash in today’s marketplace .
With over 30 million small businesses in the U.S, “Do you stand out as an expert in your
field?” We are Connecting, Educating and Empowering women of today and tomorrow.
Connect today@ [email protected] — 623-738-5423