Ultimate Woman International June 2019 UWI June 2019 | Page 13
What a Blessing!
It has been my pleasure to have the opportunity to build a Company that
features everyday business owners and entrepreneurs making a difference in
their communities! When the Lord shows you what your passion is, your run with
it! I believe that that small business owners and entrepreneurs are the backbone
and future of our beautiful Country. Blessings come in many forms and when
you hear your calling, it’s time to MAKE IT HAPPEN! I want to take a moment to
thank all of my support that has allowed me to create all that you see and all that
is to come.
A big thank you first to my un-believable supportive and loving husband, Henry;
life partners forever! Then to my babygirls; no more “Work for Food” then, my
family, mentors and amazing community of women business owners, YOU ROCK!
This has been a dream come true. Thank you!!
Be sure to follow us on Social Media, and connect with us via e-mail to learn
more about how to THRIVE in today’s mar-
ketplace as a Leader in your Industry!
To your successful journey.
Brittany Ann :)
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