Ultimate Guide to Improve Your wellbeing and_quality_of_life | Page 2


In order to improve our quality of life , we must first determine what our goals and desires are and then put a plan into place to work toward achieving those goals . With each of our long-term goals comes many choices and decisions , from what to try to how much effort to put forth . By assessing your current quality of life , you can focus on bridging the gaps and take advantage of opportunities you have to make improvements .


Sometimes , life can be overwhelming . Whether it is a complicated personal life , a frustrating career , or just dealing with the stresses of being a functioning human being in the 21st century , it can all be a bit much to deal with .
That is why it is important to take time to make small adjustments to improve your quality of life . These little changes can have a lasting and positive effect on your long-term mental health and outlook on life . Here are 8 easy ways to improve your quality of life .

I . How to Measurably Improve Your Quality of Life

Understand the aspects of your life and experiences that most closely relate with the quality of life you desire .

Your quality of life has to do with what you feel matters and what is truly significant for you . Which of your behaviors impact your quality of life ? A few decades of research on what correlates most with quality of life gives us categories as listed below with a useful mnemonic :