An earthy, traditional Tsonga styled a sunken fire pit, and circular timber
lodge, Hoyo Hoyo boasts six exquisite decks which offer views of the waterhole
air conditioned ‘bee-hive’ suites, cylin- and surrounding plains. The lounge and
drical in structure, with king size beds, dining rooms echo the circular shapes
en-suite bathrooms, outdoor showers of the suites and each boasts a blazand private game
ing fireplace. The
viewing decks.
adjoining refreshLions are scattered throughout the Park,
Located on an
ing rim flow pool is
most commonly found in the grasslands,
ancient elephant
a favorite spot to
where their favourite prey of Zebra and
route on the Mluunwind during the
Wildebeest are found. The “Mluwati
wati River in a
hot summer days.
Pride” is frequent visitors to the Ngweny10 000 hectare
Cuisine at Hoyo
eni Dam and the immediate area around
concession in the
Hoyo Safari Lodge
the lodge
is of world class
Park, the lodge is
steeped in modern
with a delicate balday opulence and luxury.
ance of traditional
The opportunity to witness the life- African and western cuisine to accomstyle and rich culture of the Shangaan modate all taste’s. Our local Tsonga
heritage and traditions, ensure an un- team offer superb hospitality and rare
forgettable safari experience.
insight into the local culture.
The cozy main area is centered around