Ultimate Adventure Pass | Page 94

COSTA RICA The ultimate destination for adventurers By Lourdes Zamanillo, from Contours Travel Communications Department “All trails seem to lead to waterfalls, misty crater lakes or jungle-fringed, deserted beaches. Explored by horseback, foot or kayak, Costa Rica is a tropical choose-yourown-adventure land.” – Lonely Planet Guide Are you sick of staring at the same four walls every day? We know that your feet are aching to discover the hidden and winding paths of the world. Well, good news! We’ve got the perfect destination for you. Costa Rica is a Central American country full of wildlife and activity. Covering barely 51 thousand square kilometres, the country encompasses a variety of landscapes and microclimates that are hard to find within such short distance anywhere else in the world. National Parks allow visitors to venture into the lush tropical rainforest, Costa Rica is a Central American country full of wildlife and activity. Covering barely 51 thousand square kilometres, the country encompasses a variety of landscapes and microclimates that are hard to find within such short distance anywhere else in the world. climb majestic volcanoes and explore otherworldly cloud forests. Furthermore, with nearly half a million species within its territory, Costa Rica’s official site states that the country holds 4% of the planet’s biodiversity. Tortugero National Park, for instance, is one of the most important places worldwide for the protection of the green turtle. In here you will also find manatees, American crocodiles, countless bird species and the Gaspar fish; considered a living fossil. San Gerardo de Dota is also one of the best spots for bird watching. The small town in the Talamanca Mountains has more than 170 bird species including the famous quetzal. Divers will not be let down when visiting Costa Rica. Its marine surface is ten times bigger than its land surface and most of it has been labelled as wildlife protected Continue Continue 94 Ultimate Adventure Pass OUTER EDGE 95