Ultimate Adventure Pass | Page 82

Explore Manaslu ’ s huge valleys , extensive forests and lovely villages dotted along the trekking trails . Venture into Langtang region to stray far from the tourist trails and catch a glimpse into traditional village life amid a picturesque alpine wilderness . Or cross high passes and remote trails as you traverse the country on the Great Himalayan Trail , arguably the world ’ s most epic trek that spans 4500km over 152 days . Whichever trek you choose , you ’ ll encounter breathtaking landscapes , rich local cultures and generous hospitality in the villages you pass through .
Then tour Kathmandu ’ s religious and cultural treasures ; chill out in pretty Pokhara ; and head to Chitwan National Park for lush landscapes and exotic wildlife . From exciting family adventures to technical climbs on some of the world ’ s most challenging peaks , World Expeditions ’ pioneering treks are designed to get you deep into the heart of this Himalayan gem .
For those wanting to give back to the mountain communities that suffered during the 2015 earthquakes , community projects are also available in various regions and allow you to make a tangible difference as you help rebuild damaged schools alongside local builders .
42 Ultimate Adventure Pass
A leader in responsible travel , World Expeditions actively employs policies to prevent further deforestation of Nepal , including a no burning wood policy at their private eco-camps . Instead , biodegradable briquettes of yak dung are burnt as a renewable and sustainable fuel source . The eco-campsites used in the Everest and Annapurna regions also play an important role in preventing the deforestation in mountain communities , as well as employs 25 % more local people than a lodge-based trek .
With fresh fruit and vegetables purchased from local communities , you can be sure your trek with World Expeditions gives back to the local communities in more ways than one . Porter welfare is one of World Expedition ’ s key focus areas , with porters receiving fair working conditions including regular meals , a good working wage , life and income protection insurance , comfortable sleeping conditions and age and pack weight limitations to minimise health risks .
World Expeditions is a leader in unique adventure travel opportunities , so you can also organise customised itineraries for specialised adventure holidays that give complete flexibility on departure dates , destinations , group sizes and special features , so that it is tailor made to achieve the objectives you desire from your holiday .
If you ’ re after a mental and physical challenge that you can experience in the most stunning natural environment , look no further ; a trek into Nepal will reward tenfold with unforgettable memories , achievements and new friendships to last a lifetime .
If you ’ ve ever wanted a challenge in nature that takes you far from the concrete jungle and into the wilderness , visit worldexpeditions . com to see their full range of treks in Nepal and book your next trip today !
All photos by World Expeditions / Mark Tipple