Ultimate Adventure Pass | Page 74

the how’s, what, and where’s. You need to know how to use the gear, where to find the good conditions, and what to do to keep yourself and your friends safe. To get in the zone fast, one of the best ways to up-skill is by going on a back-country ski/snowboard or ski mountaineering course. If you just want to jump right in, maybe hire a guide for some steep and deep thrills and to find those “secret spots” that always produce. The big one for people wanting to get into the back country or even the “slack country” (off the back of the local fields), is to invest the time to learn about avalanche awareness from someone who knows what to look at and for. Alpine Guides’ Backcountry Avalanche Courses over 4 days is the key starting block. They provide both in the field and theoretical learning from top avalanche qualified/guiding professionals. This learning process is not about having instant expertise, and it’s a well used truism that the avalanche doesn’t recognize an expert. It is about developing ongoing habits and good decision-making skills. Closely associated with your awareness skills in avalanche terrain is good route finding and selection. This applies equally for the uphill as for the downhill rewards. A lot of the time you will be covering ground that you may not be able to see the entirety of from the start of the day. 74 Ultimate Adventure Pass Now is the time when knowing a bit of map reading and basic navigation planning comes into its own. It also keeps you from falling prey to many of those pitfalls you learnt about on your avalanche awareness course! NZ has some of the best glacier skiing in the world, at elevations that wouldn’t even be snowline across much of the globe. We’ve got several great basic but fantastic huts dotted around the place, and options for all levels of competence - from the worlds best green run (the Tasman Glacier of course!) to “edging skills or hospital bills” big mountain descents. Alpine Guides guided touring trips range from a glacier based Ski Mountaineering Course (SMC) through the non-glaciated “Helicamps” - where we fly into our heli-ski region, and set up multi day camps while touring each day. For some of these missions you start to encroach the world of the mountaineer, but with the advent of really effective touring set ups for snow board or skis (including ski crampons, and light weight ropes, axes and safety gear getting better and better) these frozen wonderlands are more and more becoming accessible to the normal adventurous spirit. There’s learning to be done but the rewards are ongoing throughout the process and as time goes on the objectives and goals seem to expand with every ridge crest gained and new line spotted or researched. OUTER EDGE 75