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knowledge of trails, natural history and the cultural background of the countries we visit. I personally feel that women want to experience adventure together. The freedom we enjoy today in our modern society is one that has been bought, and fought for, by women who have gone before us. Today we are fortunate enough to have independence, education and the ability to travel on our own. However, it wasn’t until the mid 19th Century that the first couple of brave women began to venture out on their own, beyond their borders. Before then, women ‘adventurers’ were basically unheard of, adventure travel was a man’s world. The Golden age of adventure for many may seem to have passed, with the increase of globalization and the ease in which we can travel the globe. But I disagree. For women, as adventure travel began just a little over 150 years ago – it’s only just begun! Today, more and more are stepping beyond their boundaries and traveling to exotic places, conquering the physical challenge of trekking, while soaking up the natural beauty of remote destinations. One of the many benefits of travelling on one of Lyn Taylor’s Adventure Travel tours is that someone experienced is guiding you. We will make sure your trip runs smoothly and remove the hassle of organizing your tickets, hotel bookings and tours. The stress is taken out of the equation, and all that is left to do is pack your bag and meet us at the airport! Travelling in a small group is extremely appealing to women. There is firstly that feeling of security and comfort which is so important in unfamiliar environments. Then as we travel together, we find we share similar interests, grow friendships, support each other, have fun, laugh, and share life stories. 68 Ultimate Adventure Pass Travelling in a small group is extremely appealing to women. There is firstly that feeling of security and comfort which is so important in unfamiliar environments. Then as we travel together, we find we share similar interests, grow friendships, support each other, have fun, laugh, and share life stories. I find as women, we love to give something back. We have a natural instinct to want to care, assist and build community. When you travel with us, you have the opportunity to get involved in humanitarian projects. For years we have been developing grass root, community projects where you can see the fruits of your labour. To learn more about our charity work check out Lyn Taylor’s Adventure Travel on Facebook or have a read through our blog. Aside from the thrill of continuing the trail that women before us have blazed in adventure travel, women who travel together experience a bond and a growth that is rarely found elsewhere. From what I have seen, women of all ages are up for a challenge. This does not necessarily mean climbing Mt Everest (but we could!), it is simply doing something you would never have attempted otherwise. Travel for women is inspirational and to experience adventure together is empowering. When you are taken out of your comfort zone, you can achieve things you may not have thought possible, that feeling of having ‘done it’ is simply, wonderful. Travel has the ability to enrich your life whether you are in your 20s or 70s the experience is still just as rich. Global Women’s ADVENTURE TRAVEL TOP TOURS ON LYN TAYLOR’S ADVENTURE TRAVEL LIST The Golden age of adventure may seem to have passed, but today more and more women are stepping out of their boundaries and traveling to exotic destinations with other like- minded women. B H U TA N 10 % DISCOUNT NEPAL 20% TIBET 10% OFF CAMINO SPAIN 10% CROATIA – SERBIA – SLOVENIA 10% BALI 10% NORTHERN RAJASTHAN 10% SRI LANKA 10% Phone: (+61) 02 9997 7442 | Email: [email protected] | Web: www.tayloradventure.com OUTER EDGE 69