Ultimate Adventure Pass | Page 10

Madagascar a s s o c i a t e s Nature’s paradise, there’s no place on Earth like it! MADAGASCAR A Lost World M adagascar truly is a lost world. Thanks to its long isolation from neighbouring continents, it’s home to some 2,300 species of plants and animals, most of which are found nowhere else. For years, adventurous travellers have driven its rugged 4WD tracks in search of dancing lemurs, eye-spinning chameleons and that strange mix between cat and mongoose – the predatory fossa. Packed into the planet’s fourth-largest island is a landscape so diverse it astounds. Central highlands run nearly the entire 1580km length, separating the tropical, rainforested lowlands in the east from the drier, rain-shadowed lands in the west. Sandstone canyons and red-rock formations, forests of limestone pinnacle some 300m high, idyllic tropical islands, 10 Ultimate Adventure Pass chains of freshwater lakes and mangrove lowlands create habitats not just for strange reptiles and mammals, but breathtakingly beautiful birds and a rich collection of plants, including Darwin’s orchid – the world’s rarest. But perhaps the island’s greatest secret is also its most obvious – the warm and friendly people. The Malagasy are proud of their heritage and are keen to share their art, handicrafts, food and music (both spicy). If it’s a unique experience you’re after … our smallgroup, boutique-style adventures will exceed all your expectations! Join us and experience our incredible world. W W W. A D V E N T U R E A S S O C I AT E S . C O M . MADAGASCAR . ETHIOPIA . ANTARCTICA . IRAN . BOTSWANA . BHUTAN . ZANSKAR . LADAKH . KASHMIR . ARCTIC . CUBA FRIENDLY FACES OF MADAGASCAR Madagascar’s extraordinary wildlife dominates international perception of “the eighth continent” and rightfully so. Ninety per cent of its plants and animals are found nowhere else on Earth. Yet many visitors speak of Madagascar’s people, the Malagasy, with fondest regard. Continue PH: +61 (2) 4758 9922 OUTER EDGE 11 . EMAIL: [email protected]