UKSPA Directory 2017 2017-18 | Page 17

UKSPA Directory 2017 017
As well as offering its own citizens the opportunity to develop the skills required to become successful research leaders , early-stage researchers , technologists , technicians , entrepreneurs , and managers , it is in the UK ’ s national interest to continue to attract a culturally‐diverse , skilled workforce .
Nearly a third of university academic staff are from outside the UK , with 16 % from other EU countries and 12 % from outside the EU . A third of UK start-ups were founded by non-UK nationals , and 51 % of UK start-up employees come from outside the UK . International movement
is also an important feature of a research career , and 72 % of UK-based researchers spent time at non-UK institutions between 1996 and 2012 .
We must push to ensure the Industrial Strategy takes steps to equip people with research skills and encourages a wider uptake of science and mathematics . Domestic policy should aim to develop an immigration system that will ensure UK universities and businesses continue to thrive through recruitment and retention of the talent required for innovation .



Investment in scientific research and innovation will signal the UK ’ s intention to compete internationally and attract further investment . Metcalfe ’ s report notes the importance of identifying further opportunities to develop and host strategically-valuable international research facilities in the UK .
According to 2013 OECD figures , the UK ’ s total R & D spend was 1.66 % of GDP , consisting of 0.48 % Government spend , 0.77 % industry spend , and 0.41 % other spending on R & D . The UK ’ s medical research charity community invested over £ 1.4 billion of research funding in the UK in 2015 , over 94 % of which took place in universities . Underpinning funding from Government supports this investment . Additionally , R & D Tax credits and initiatives such as the Enterprise
Investment Scheme ( EIS ) help smaller , higher-risk trading companies to raise finance through tax relief for investors . The UK ’ s uniquely diverse funding system creates flexibility , contributing to what is a hugely efficient and cooperative system , and the UK Government has committed to underwrite the value of any EU grants awarded to UK researchers for the full award period . In addition , we will push for an Industry Strategy that boosts entrepreneurial activity at both regional and national level and call for a target of 3 % of GDP for combined public and private R & D investment . This will need increased private and charitable investment support and a comprehensive review of public funding .
SOURCES : Academy of Medical Sciences , Association of Medical Research Charities , BioIndustry Association , BMA , British Academy , Campaign for Science and Engineering , Campaign for Social Science , Cancer Research UK , CBI , Council of Mathematical Sciences NFU , Innovate UK , Institute of Physics , Learned Society of Wales , Royal College of Nursing , Royal Academy of Engineering , Royal Society of Biology , Royal Society of Chemistry , Royal Society , Royal Society of Edinburgh Russell Group , Science is Vital , Scientists for EU , TechUK , Universities UK , University Alliance , and Wellcome .