UKSPA Breakthrough Issue 3 SPA03.ebook_hr | Page 47

CityVerve’s BeeActive walking app combines fitness and city discovery and how business is done. The nature of the blockchain removes the reliance on central intermediaries. This will encourage the trading of data and help drive engagement in the market and newer, better models of co-operation. Ai r P u b l i c ’ s r e a l-ti m e m o b i l e s e n s o r n e tw o r k s p r o v i d e t h e d ata b a c k b o n e f o r c o m p r e h e n s i v e e n v i r o n m e n ta l u r b a n a n a ly ti c s movements and everyday lives of real people. AirPublic’s real-time mobile sensor networks provide the data backbone for comprehensive environmental urban analytics. The company locates Air Quality Sensors on existing networks of moving agents, such as bicycles, which travel consistently but randomly in dense urban centres. Output is granular air pollution maps based on actual real-time readings and not on models like most air quality maps. Hyper- local data provides local government, planners and campaigners the tools they need to take a