UKISS Whitepaper ©2022 | Page 19

$ KISS Tokenomics


$ KISS is generated through a combination of premining - to give the project a head start - and a fair public launch due in the first / second quarter of 2022 . The public can then obtain $ KISS through decentralised and centralised exchanges , and a few top-tier launchpads .
20 % | 20 MIL
In Token sales
10 % | 10 MIL
For initial liquidity and reserves
8 % | 8 MIL
For marketing ops , tech development and incubation
18 % | 18 MIL
For the founding team
Max supply 100 million
39 % | 39 MIL
For mining ( staking reward )
5 % | 5 MIL
For advisors and key partners
A maximum supply of 100 million $ KISS will go into token sales ( 20 %), initial reserves ( 10 %), mining and staking rewards ( 39 %), marketing operations , incubation and development ( 8 %), as well as to the founding team ( 18 %), advisors and key partners ( 5 %).
We expect the total market circulation supply to hit about 26 million tokens in the first year , with a 70 % staking ratio .
Revenue earned from the sale of UKISS applications will go to the following :
• 30 % to vendors and application providers
• 10 % to operating UKISS software
• 60 % to UKISS reserve pool ( a portion to go to affiliates and referral users )
Up to 30 % of cash revenue generated will be used to purchase $ KISS from the open market and sent to the reserve pools ( for staking returns and rewards ) .