Book Club
The Definitive Darts Coaching Manual by Dave Kirby is
the first in a series of five books that when
complete will form the definitive guide for
darts players and coaches of all standards.
The book draws on Kirby’s extensive experience
of sports coaching and his highly commendable
knowledge of the sport of darts to offer a complete
coaching solution for the amateur and professional
alike. And whilst the book is not a quick fix, and
neither does it claim to be, there is something held
within for each and every dart player.
When I first picked the book up I must admit I was
rather sceptical, after all darts by it’s very nature is
a rather simple game. With the most common advice I
received when taking up darts being ‘Hold and throw the
dart in the way that is most comfortable to you’, I found
myself thinking surely for the amateur player that’s it.
Other Books In The
I knew professionals worked harder at the game and would
have defined practice routines, what perhaps I didn’t
understand was that these routines and techniques can be
adapted to improve the game of any player out there, from
pub league to County and e