Ali Drew
Glamour on
How did you get into modelling and how did you become a walk-on girl? I have been modelling for about 4 years and first got into it when a local photographer saw me doing some promotion work and asked if I wanted to shoot a portfolio. I got asked to be a walk-on girl when my picture was spotted on twitter. How long have you been a walk-on girl? I have been a walk on girl for about 6 months. Do you enjoy the walk-on girl aspect of your work more than other modelling? I love being a walk-on girl. It is so exciting w [?[????H?Y?H ??YZ[??HY?H???[?????[?H[?H][??\?H\?[X^?[???X??\??[Y[??]?H[?H???Y][??X?\??Y[?[?\??]??\?]O?H]?H???Y??H?[????Y]H?[ZY\?XY?YH?Y?[[??\?Y???X??\??X]\?]\?^H?YH?]K??]\??Y[?HY?Y??[?\?[YH???[??]H\???Y?[?][H?][????[?[8?&H??\??&H^[??]??[?H^H\??[?\??[?[?\?H[?H[?H????H??&]^H?\?H?[??]?[?H?x?&[H?????Y?X^X?HH??[?H????]??YH[?H?X?X?K??]??[?H[?\??[?[?]\?X??H??[??X?H?[??]??[???^Y\??8?&?]\8?&K\?]??[?]H?????[???[?H]?HH?]??\?]H\??^Y\??[8?&H??\??&H^[?H\?HY?[?[?H\??????]?[?H?]\?[?[?\??\?H[YO?H?\???[?Z[?[???][???H?????]^\?[???H???H?[HH?[?[???H?[??[?? ???[[Z[??H[??Z?H?[?[??[YH?]^H??Y[?? ????\?X[?H?Y^\?\????X?HB??