UK Cigar Scene Magazine June Issue 18 | Page 18

Ideal Humidity The ideal humidity for your cigars is somewhere between 65% - 70% RH. The exact humidity is very much a personal matter. Many people will store their cigars at a higher humidity than they like to smoke at and will ‘dry box’ their cigars outside their humidor for a couple of days before smoking. Even when you have your humidor seasoned, established, packed with your favourite cigars and smelling wonderful (as they usually do) it is important to check periodically that everything is OK. Carefully check your cigars are in good condition. It is often a good idea to move cigars around periodically to ensure no ‘dry corners’ are created. Also, allowing fresh oxygen into the humidor periodically helps the aging process. This video was recorded at Sautter in Knightsbridge. For some unknown reason Nic didn’t smoke a cigar during this video. We have had a stern word with him about that! Video Production & Editing: Jake Bond & Luke Bond Photographs: Nic WIng 17 You can catch up with all our video interviews on our YouTube Channel