UK Basketball Preview 2019-2020 | Page 29

cheering me on on the side, and when I get RͿ,WU\WRGRWKHVDPHWKLQJOHWWKHPNQRZ WKDW,·PKHUHIRUWKHPDVZHOOµ +DJDQVLVLQGHHGVWLOOLQ/H[LQJWRQKDYLQJ elected not to test the NBA Draft last summer. ´,·PEDFNOLNH,IRUJRWP\NH\VµKH memorably posted on Instagram. +DJDQV·VIDWKHUKDVORYLQJO\³LIÀUPO\³ reminded him why he took that path. ´+HZRXOGFRPSODLQDERXWPHEHLQJRQ VRFLDOPHGLDµ+DJDQVVDLG´+HZRXOGJLYH me a text like, ‘I see you post that; I don’t see \RXLQWKHJ\P·+H·VDOZD\VRQPHEXWLW·V always good as a parent. THAT’S WHAT YOUR CHILD NEEDS, AND THAT’S JUST WHAT HE WAS DOING.” HAGANS STAYED, HE SAID, to work on parts of his game he deemed substandard and to build his relationship with Calipari. “The guys last year wanted me to enter WKHGUDIW µ+DJDQVVDLGRI.HQWXFN\·V early departures, “but I was talking with them and talking with my parents, and we KDGDGLͿHUHQWGHFLVLRQMXVWWU\LQJWRFRPH EDFNDQGVKRZWKDW,·PUHDG\µ7KDWZDVQ·W easy when draft night rolled around. “They were talking about having the EXWWHUÁLHVDQGWKLQJVOLNHWKDWDQGEHLQJ H[FLWHGDWWKHVDPHWLPHµ+DJDQVVDLG´,W really opened my eyes because I could’ve had the opportunity to be with the guys, but just PDGHDGLͿHUHQWGHFLVLRQGLͿHUHQWURXWHLQ trying to come back and showing the other JX\VWKDW,ZDQWWREHDGLͿHUHQWSOD\HUµ That means one who still has the heat WXUQHGRQKLPLQSUDFWLFH³DQGZKRVHHNV to do the same for his teammates. +DJDQVKDOIMRNHGWKDWKHVRPHWLPHV saves energy in practice because he’ll spend whatever he’s got in the tank during GHIHQVLYHZRUN&DOLSDULDQGWKHVWDͿH[SHFW that from him, he said, or else he runs the risk