UK Basketball Preview 2019-2020 | Page 30

of sitting and watching. ´:KHQLW·VP\WLPHRͿZKHQZHJRRQ defensive break, sometimes the coaches won’t let me come back on, so I’m like, ‘I need some ZDWHU,QHHGVRPHZDWHU·µ+DJDQVVDLG laughing and mimicking desperate panting. “I know what’s going on; I’m just trying to come back and help these new LQFRPLQJJX\Vµ Calipari has relished inciting Kentucky’s guards to step up their individual games. “We have to set up situations where they’re feeling pain, whether it be conditioning or anything else we do, taking them to limits, because it’s the only way they learn about WKHPVHOYHVµ&DOVDLG´6RZLWKWKHVHSRLQW guards, we’re just going to continue to raise the bar. And it doesn’t mean kick, punch, swear, all that, it’s just, you raise the bar. This is where we’re coaching you; that is not DFFHSWDEOHGRZQKHUHµ IT’S WORKING - HAGANS “HAS GOT A DIFFERENT WAY ABOUT HIM,” THE COACH SAID, AND IT’S RUBBING OFF. ´,WSLFNVXVXSDORWµIUHVKPDQ.HLRQ %URRNV-UVDLGRI+DJDQV·LQWHQVLW\´+H knows all the tricks of the trade, how to become a great defender. When we’re go- ing through drills, he’ll pull you to the side to let you know, ‘You should do this; your technique would be better this way,’ or, ‘You could do this to get in the passing lane.’ It’s great to have him around as a resource to help XVJHWEHWWHURQGHIHQVHµ • We Have What EVERY Hats T-Shirts Sweatshirts Jackets Trinkets FAN is looking for! Go Cats! Go Cats! Collectibles Much More!