Central idea
Stories communicate ideas and emotions and invite a response.
K2 Storytelling Workshop
To showcase and celebrate language and literacy, our K2 team invited parents to share in a storytelling workshop.
An inquiry into the ways in which we discover and express ideas, feelings, nature, culture, beliefs
and values; the ways in which we reflect on, extend and enjoy our creativity; our appreciation of
the aesthetic.
To share more learning engagements please visit:
K2 weebly
K2 students have been inquiring into stories - how stories make us feel, what characters are doing, and thinking about what might happen next in a story.
How we express ourselves
Celebrating Language
K2 teachers focused on making student thinking visible using strategies such as Morning Message, 'Turn and Talk', 1:1 conferencing, group conferencing, drama and role-play, use of puppets, mime and song.
These nurtured story creations. Our K2 storytelling workshop shared the developmental stages of the early writing process.